Resources for working with children, young people and families

Healthy sexuality and relationship development: The education and support needs of children and young people in care.

This sexuality and relationship development resource has been developed by Tusla, in partnership with the HSE Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme, for practitioners who work with children and young people in care as a part of their broader Empowering Practitioners and Practice Initiative (EPPI).

However, much of it will also be of use to professionals working with a wider cohort of young people. It is therefore being made available in a pdf format to those who cannot access Tusla’s intranet.

It is essential that the content of this toolkit is considered with reference to relevant professional practice guidelines and organisational policy; within the appropriate legal frameworks.

Healthy sexuality and relationship development: The education and support needs of children and young people in care. A Toolkit for Practitioners (PDF, size 101.5 KB, 2 pages)

The Sexuality Wheel

The Sexuality Wheel is a resource that highlights the many elements that make up a person’s sexuality and is used to help us understand the connection between our sexuality and who we are as human beings.

The Sexuality Wheel (PDF, size 101.5 KB, 2 pages)

Busy Bodies

Busy Bodies (2020) is an updated version of the resource originally published in 2007. It is an information booklet on the topics of puberty and adolescence that parents or guardians can use with their children. The video material is not updated but is still of use in the home and school setting. 

Download the full suite of videos 

Download the Busy Bodies booklet

Resources to support Junior Cycle SPHE

The HSE is in the process of developing units of learning to support the new SPHE Short Course for Junior Cycle, including RSE.

The units are supported by the Department of Education and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

Each unit of learning is available as an online resource and as a PDF to enable printing if required.

The first 5 units are available at:

The specific link to RSE 1 can be found at:

Growing Up Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender: A Resource for SPHE/RSE (Junior and Senior Cycle)

This resource was developed in response to requests from teachers and students for updated Irish resource materials for RSE. The resource aims to increase understanding and awareness about sexual orientation and gender identity and to reduce stigma and discrimination against people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT).

Download a copy here

Video links to this resource can be found here